Gal4 System   |   Targeted DamID   |   Chromatin DamID   |   RNA DamID   | MAMMALIAN TADA |   NanoDam |   PROTOCOLS & PIPELINES



NanoDam identifies Homeobrain (ARX) and Scarecrow (NKX2.1) as conserved temporal factors in the Drosophila central brain and visual system
Tang LYJ, Hakes AE, Krautz R, Contreras EG, Suzuki T, Fox PM, Brand AH (2022). Dev Cell

NanoDam is an adaptation of Targeted DamID, fusing a nanobody to the Dam methylase allowing for the profiling of any endogenously-tagged protein in vivo. NanoDam is a rapid and streamlined method of mapping binding targets of chromatin-binding proteins with just a single genetic cross, bypassing the need for the generation of Dam fusion proteins.

Currently, around 93% of all identified Drosophila transcription factors have been GFP/YFP-tagged. Over 3000 lines are readily available from stock centres worldwide. The increasing availability of different nanobodies and ease of tagging facilitated by CRISPR greatly improves the efficiency and opportunities for genome-wide chromatin-binding profiling. As demonstrated with Mammalian TaDa, NanoDam can be readily applied in a variety of model organisms.

Available reagents (require MTA):

Please contact Andrea Brand